Red Hawk with red flowers below

Educational Opportunity Fund Applicants

Application Process for EOF的学生


一步。 1


Submit your application online 和 make sure to choose Yes to the question “Do you want to be considered for the Educational Opportunity Fund”.

After you submit the application, 您将在您的状态页面上看到支付65美元不可退还申请费(或提交费用豁免请求)的说明. If you 是 应用ing to a program with an audition fee (跳舞, 音乐, 音乐疗法, 音乐剧, 或剧院), you will also see your audition fee listed on your status page. 如果您在回答了您的申请的认证和签名页上的费用减免问题后,您有资格获得费用减免, both your application fee 和 audition fee will be waived.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Application  or     常见的应用程序

一步。 2
Transcript 和 Letter of Recommendation

提交一份正式的高中成绩单和辅导员的推荐信. Please mail or fax your materials to us:

Office of 本科招生


你也可以提交一份非正式的成绩单来决定录取,但你的最终正式成绩单将被要求入学. Upload your unofficial transcript in your application 门户网站 at 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/门户网站/admissions

For most majors, a recommendation letter is not required 但 is 强烈建议.

请注意,舞蹈、音乐剧和戏剧专业需要两封推荐信. 你的一封推荐信应该说明你对你的研究领域的候选资格.

一步。 3
Personal statement 和 Resume/List of Co-Curricular Activities

Complete 和 upload your 文章/个人陈述. 您可以在提交申请之前上传您的论文/个人陈述. 论文提示因专业而异. 你可以查看你的专业 这里是作文提示.

如果你想提交一份简历或你参加过的课外活动清单供审查, 您可以在申请中或提交申请后的状态页面上上传此文件. 请注意 that a resume is required for 跳舞, 音乐剧, 戏剧专业, 但 optional for all other programs.

一步。 4
Submit Income Verification Documents

A financial review is required for EOF applicants. 你必须取得并提交收入证明文件,如纳税申报表, 社会保障报表, 公共援助声明, or court/state records verifying status as ward of state or orphan. 您可以在提交入学申请后上传您的文件 门户网站. 你也可以发邮件给他们 eofdocs@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或者把你的文件寄给我们. 把你的全名写在信封上,连同你的文件一起寄给本科招生办公室. 确保你的文件被处理的最快方法是自己通过招生门户上传.


  • Submit your 2025-2026 FAFSA Application
  • Upload or email 2022 AND 2023 tax documents

NOTE: Non-tax filers must provide a 怠的声明 a Verification of Non-Filing Letter from the IRS:

一步。 5

Official SAT or ACT scores 是 optional. 如果你提交的是ACT成绩,你还必须参加考试的写作部分. Students submitting SAT scores should enter our CEEB code (002520). Students submitting ACT scores should enter our ACT school code (2572).

College of the Arts Requirements

艺术与设计, 跳舞, 音乐, 剧院, 艺术学院的电影制作专业要求你完成面试, 试听或作品集审查 in order to be considered for admission. Once your application for admission is complete, 你会收到一封关于如何安排面试的电子邮件, 试听或作品集审查.

艺术学院入学指南和试镜/面试/作品集审查日期的链接可以在 艺术学院网站.

请注意, 被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学录取并不保证被你所选择的专业录取.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学在审查入学申请时会考虑一些因素. Well-qualified c和idates for admission have a 3.2 or higher cumulative high school GPA on an un-weighted, 4.0规模, a challenging course load (particularly in junior 和 senior years), 和 a variety of extracurricular activities. Submission of SAT or ACT scores is not required, 但, if you chose to submit those scores, they will be considered in the admissions process.


  • 四单元英语.
  • Three units of mathematics (including Algebra, Geometry 和 Algebra II).
  • Two units of the same foreign language.
  • Two units of a laboratory science.
  • 两个社会科学单元.
  • Three additional units in any of the subject 是as listed.


  • 代数以外的数学II.
  • A third or fourth year of the same foreign language.
  • 荣誉课程.
  • Laboratory science beyond chemistry.
  • 先修课程.

Other factors considered in our holistic review process include: strong letters of recommendation from teachers 和/or counselors; a well-written, thoughtful admissions essay; 和 a commitment to extracurricular engagement, both in school 和 in the community.

看我们的 EOF研讨会 和 other Webinars we’ve hosted, subscribe to our 本科招生 YouTube Channel.


转学生是指高中毕业后被地区认可的学院或大学录取的人. Even if you withdrew from the institution 和 received no credit, you should still complete the application for transfer admission.

一步。 1

Complete 和 submit the application for transfer students. Make sure to choose Yes to the question “Do you want to be considered for the Educational Opportunity Fund”.

After you complete the application, 您将看到支付$65不可退还申请费(或提交费用减免请求)的说明。. Then you will be able to submit your application for review.


一步。 2


转学生必须提交以前就读的所有地区认可的学院和/或大学的正式成绩单. 正式成绩单必须从你以前的大学直接寄给我们. 成绩单 sent by students 不 official. 请联系你以前的大学,让他们寄送你的正式成绩单. Official transcripts may be sent electronically to transfermsu@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或邮寄至:

Office of 本科招生

你也可以提交一份非正式的成绩单来决定录取,但你的最终正式成绩单将被要求入学. Upload your unofficial transcript in your application 门户网站 at 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/门户网站/admissions


All transfer students must submit an official high school transcript. 已经完成或即将完成副学士学位的申请人可免除此要求, 或者在四年制大学修满60个或更多大学学分的学生.

一步。 4

Essays 是 optional for most transfer applicants, 然而, certain majors require students to submit specific essay(s). You can view majors that require essays 和 their 文章提示在这里.

如果你想提交一份简历或你参加过的课外活动清单供审查, 您可以在申请中或提交申请后的状态页面上上传此文件. 请注意 that a resume is required for 跳舞, 音乐剧, 戏剧专业, 但 optional for all other programs.

一步。 5

对于那些 enrolled in the EOF Program at their current institution:

  • 要求你当前学校的EOF办公室提交一份EOF转学资助表格. 这张表格需要完成你的入学申请,以收到录取决定. EOF转学资助表格是您在当前学校注册并在EOF项目中表现良好的文件. This can be submitted either electronically to msuadm@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或邮寄至:

对于那些 enrolled in the EOF Program at their current institution:

  • A financial review is required for EOF applicants. After submitting your application, 您必须完成EOF问卷,该问卷将出现在您的在线申请清单中. 另外, 你必须取得并提交收入证明文件,如纳税申报表, 社会保障报表, 公共援助声明, or court/state records verifying status as ward of state or orphan. 您可以将您的文件作为申请的一部分(上传区域位于申请的教育机会基金选项卡的底部)或在您提交申请后在状态页面上上传您的文件. 你也可以发邮件给他们 eofdocs@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或者把你的文件寄给我们. 在信封上写上你的全名,连同你的文件一起寄给本科招生办公室. 确保你的文件被处理的最快方法是通过你的申请或状态页面自己上传.


  • Submit your 2025-2026 FAFSA Application
  • Upload or email 2022 AND 2023 tax documents

NOTE: Non-tax filers must provide a 怠的声明:


We review each application individually. 然而, when considering an applicant for transfer admission, strong c和idates for admission generally meet the following criteria:

  • A sustained, rigorous academic curriculum with an overall “B” average.
  • 通过在所修课程中取得学术上的成功表现出对预期专业的兴趣.

如果你上过不止一所地区认可的学院或大学, the grade point average from all schools will be considered.

Specific 招生要求 by College/School

In addition to our general 转学入学标准, certain programs have their own specific st和ards for admission. For more information, visit our 入学要求页面.

看我们的 EOF研讨会 和 other Webinars we’ve hosted, subscribe to our 本科招生 YouTube Channel.