

Posted in: College News and Announcements, School of Communication and Media News

23-24年SCM贝特曼队(从左到右):吉娜-玛丽·佐科利, Diana Ochoa-Perez, Kaylee Seitz, Gabriella Castillo and Rianna Cafaro.
23-24年SCM贝特曼队(从左到右):吉娜-玛丽·佐科利, Diana Ochoa-Perez, Kaylee Seitz, Gabriella Castillo and Rianna Cafaro.

A team of Montclair State School of Communication & 传媒专业的学生在著名的贝特曼案例研究竞赛中获得第二名, 由美国公共关系学生协会主办. 全国竞赛要求学生团队进行设计, implement, 并衡量公共关系活动,以支持现实世界客户的目标.

This year’s client was Culturs, 一个全球生活方式网络,加强社区和促进跨文化人群之间的人际联系,包括种族和文化混合的个人. The missing “e” in Culturs represents the often-hidden diversities of these populations. 

Throughout the academic year, 十大博彩推荐排名团队与十大博彩推荐排名社区进行了广泛的研究,以发现其强大的线上和线下活动的见解.  Their findings highlighted that more than half of students who identify as multi-ethnic have felt out of place or not fully belonging to one culture; and that 60% of respondents felt their culture was represented on campus but didn’t feel fully seen or heard.

十大博彩推荐排名文化活动是由五位SCM学生开发的:, Gabriella Castillo (’24), Diana Ochoa-Perez (’24), Kaylee Seitz (’25) and Gina-Marie Zoccoli (’25). 玛丽·斯科特教授连续第三年担任指导教师, 联合娱乐集团(United Entertainment Group)高级副总裁赫特·迈尔斯(Heter Myers)是业内人士 顾问和SCM教授Erin Weinberg为团队提供了关键的支持和指导. 

“参加这个比赛让我和我的团队对公关活动从头到尾的执行有了深刻的理解和经验.” Cafaro said. “十大博彩推荐排名文化创造了一场超出我们预期的运动,我为我们完成的工作感到自豪.”

十大博彩推荐排名大学的学生们与杨百翰大学和获胜者佛罗里达大学的队伍一起进入了决赛, 还有其他八支半决赛队伍获得了荣誉奖. PRSSA received 45 campagn entries. 

The Montclair Culturs campaign set out to 建立一个包容的社区,通过参与对话和分享学习经验来庆祝文化多样性, 加深对多元文化的理解和欣赏.


  • The Melting Pot Meals :  这是一本以十大博彩推荐排名学生为特色的数字和印刷烹饪书,分享来自世界各地的文化菜肴和这些食谱的重要性.
  • Cultur-ella: Inspired by Coachella, 球队举办了一个节日,通过舞蹈来庆祝十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的文化, music, and art. The more than 300 attendees made cultural bracelets, danced alongside the LASO dance troupe, Montclair West African Drumming, and influencer Jerseyy Joe, 还了解了校园里的许多文化组织,包括Daughta Speaks, the Dominican Student Organization (DSO), the Korean Culture and Language Association (KCLA), the Latin American Student Organization(LASO), the Mexican-American Student Association (MASA), and the Veteran and Military Resource office.
  • Cultural Print: 500多人宣誓拥抱文化多样性,并在我们的世界地图上分享他们代表其遗产和种族的个人文化印记.
  • 多姿多彩生活:文化的亲密对话   a curated conversation with NBC and Telemundo, 十大博彩推荐排名大学的教师和学生讨论多元文化主义和21世纪的多样性.  由教务长朱尼厄斯·冈萨雷斯主持由西班牙裔倡议和国际项目副教务长卡蒂亚·帕兹·戈德法布主持, WNBC记者切基·贝克福德和Telemundo 47的阿什利·查帕罗参加了这次活动, Yessi Hernandez and Alexa Rodriguez.  

“参加今年的贝特曼挑战赛是我们团队梦寐以求的任务,特别是因为我们看到了对整个校园社区的真正影响,” Professor Scott said. “Inspired by our client Culturs’ mission, 该团队建立并成功实施了一项活动,该活动提供了一个平台,解决了我们丰富多样的校园中未满足的需求——使重要的对话成为可能, rich storytelling, 建立一个更紧密联系的社区,并致力于未来的行动. 我为我们的学生感到无比自豪,他们非常努力地执行了一项值得全国认可的战略活动.”


About the School of Communication and Media: 传播与媒体学院为超过1名有才华和多样化的学生提供一系列动态的传播和媒体课程,800. Offering degrees in film and television, social media and public relations, advertising, journalism and digital media, sports communication, communication and media studies, animation and visual effects, and an MA devoted to strategic communication, 学院培养下一代传播和媒体从业者和领导者. 学院设有获奖学生项目,包括 WMSC RadioThe Montclarion newspaper,  Hawk Communications Agency, the Red Hawk Sports NetworkHawk+ OTT streaming platform, and News Lab, as well as the Center for Cooperative Media该机构致力于发展和加强地方新闻业,为公众服务. 学生的项目和计划最近获得了PRSSA的贝特曼竞赛的全国认可, an Edward R Murrow Award, several Marconi Award nominations, 以及电视艺术学院颁发的大学电视奖 & Sciences.

Media Contact: Keith Green,传播与媒体学院,973-655-3701或 greenk@dilidally.net