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十大博彩推荐排名 Journalism Students Spotlight Migrant Crisis on nbc环球学院

In preparation for the upcoming election, students look at what Gen Z considers the biggest issues, traveling to a battleground state to report from the U.S.墨西哥边境

发布: 书院新闻及公告

First-generation students 詹妮弗·桑切斯, 左, and Aylin Alverez-Santiago console each other after an emotional interview at the U.S.墨西哥边境. (Photo courtesy “Arizona Stories”)
First-generation students 詹妮弗·桑切斯, 左, and Aylin Alverez-Santiago console each other after an emotional interview at the U.S.墨西哥边境. (Photo courtesy “Arizona Stories”)

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 journalism students’ reporting on the migrant crisis is being shared on nbc环球学院国家平台. Highlighting one of the election’s top issues, these immigration stories showcase the students’ powerful experiences while interviewing aid workers and asylum seekers at the U.S.墨西哥边境.

的 “Empathy in Journalism: Reporting on Migrants at the Border” video, the first of three to be shared on the national nbc环球学院 website and Youtube Channel, was produced last spring as part of a multimedia package, 《十大博彩推荐排名》, 水与政治.” 的 series covers the divisive border wall crisis, migrant desert encampments, and young voters’ perspectives on the upcoming election, among other topics, produced for the course On the Road: Reporting from the Field. “My Election Story Took an Unexpected Turn. 我是这样处理的。” 也发表在nbc环球电影学院.

的 upcoming election brings a wealth of opportunities for public-minded students. At 十大博彩推荐排名, that includes the 传播与媒体学院 student-run project, # FocusDemocracy, which this spring zeroed in on what Gen Z considers the biggest issues in the 2024 election. 可在流媒体 大学’s Hawk+ digital platform, the project features deeply reported pieces, 记者采访, 学生圆桌会议, and an exclusive social media sentiment analysis. 的 students were guided by 新闻Lab Coordinator Mark Effron.

今年秋天, 新闻 Producer 史蒂夫·麦卡锡 will travel to the battleground state of Pennsylvania with a new On the Road class to report on the presidential election from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia for # FocusDemocracy.

的 spring break trip to the Arizona border led by McCarthy and Associate Professor Thomas Franklin encouraged students to reflect on identity and shared history while connecting with their sources.

“Our team knew that reporting about the border would require a lot of care and empathy. 我们认真对待这个角色, especially because some of us are the children and grandchildren of immigrants,Dani Mazariegos写道, 即将升学的大四学生, in a blog accompanying the report to discuss what students learned on the reporting trip.

A professor standing by a video camera and wearing headphones instructs four students holding photo reflectors over their heads.
史蒂夫·麦卡锡, news producer for the 传播与媒体学院, directs students filming in Arizona. 除了nbc环球电影学院, 《十大博彩推荐排名》, 水与政治” will stream on the 大学’s Hawk+ digital platform. (图片来源:Thomas E. 富兰克林)

For two first-generation students, reporting from the border brought up a lot of emotions.

“在边境很艰难, not only because we were touched by these migrants desperate for a better life on our side of the wall, but because we kept seeing our parents, even though the details of their stories and how they got here were different,24岁的Aylin Alvarez-Santiago说, whose parents came through the Arizona border from a small town in Oaxaca, 墨西哥. “I called my dad immediately and thanked him for every single bit of sacrifice, 感谢他所做的一切.”

詹妮弗·桑切斯, 即将升学的大四学生, 谁的家人来自瓜亚基尔, 厄瓜多尔, says she had to walk away from an interview at one point because she was so overwhelmed. “I couldn’t hold in my feelings the whole time.”

的ir reflections are included in the nbc环球学院’s “班长。” which highlights original reporting and video by student journalists. 十大博彩推荐排名, 西班牙裔服务机构, is among the academy’s 45 academic partners that receive funding, resources and development to train future journalists. Students are able to work and learn from NBC 新闻, MSNBC, CNBC and Telemundo professionals.

“I’m very proud of this group of young journalists and content creators,” McCarthy says. “的y worked hard to prepare for the trip, distinguished themselves in the field during production, and brought it all together in post-production, producing one of the finest reports we’ve ever done.”

特约撰稿人报道 玛丽莲·乔伊斯·莱伦.