

All 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 School 政策 are in effect, including Student Code of Conduct.


  1. All team sports are broken down into 4 different leagues which include: Men’s, 女性的, 组织, 和开放. The 组织 league is open to all MSU-affiliated Clubs and 组织s who register using the $60 team fee. 希腊兄弟会和姐妹会将有两个特定的部门. 开放联赛是一个没有性别限制的联赛, 性别认同, 或者性别表达. 每个玩家在一个联赛中只能加入一支球队.e. 一名球员可以参加一个公开联赛和一个女子/男子联赛。. 在有多个部门的联赛中, 比如篮球, 运动员只能参加男子A组或男子B组比赛. All individual/doubles sports will feature Men’s/女性的/Open Singles and Doubles.
  2. 团体运动:一个球队的花名册是在整个常规赛中形成的.  All players participating in a game 必须 be listed on that game’s scoresheet. 被列入名单的球员将进入该队的名单. 个人的名字可以加到原来的名册上, 在新队员上场之前, 通过在计分表上列出该球员的名字以及他/她的身份证号码. A player 必须 play in at least one regular-season game to be eligible to participate in the playoffs. 名单最多可以有16名球员.
  3. 风险承担, Waiver and Release from Liability Form: This 必须 be signed and filled out by all players participating in the activity, 付款时在总部, 在开始之前. 本赛季只需要完成一次豁免, 如果球员在赛季的任何时候被添加到花名册上, 该选手必须在参赛前填写弃权书.
  4. 检查身份证:比赛前, 事件, 或活动, all members of a team shall present to the scorekeeper their pictured 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 ID card.  The scorekeeper shall then verify the participant’s identity and so note on the scoresheet. Those players listed on the scoresheet and verified by a scorekeeper are considered to have participated in that contest.  参赛者是否应该在比赛开始后才到达, the participant assumes the responsibility to have his/her identity verified by the scorekeeper.  Should a scorekeeper not verify a player, that individual shall be considered an ineligible player.
  5. 忘记ID政策:如果玩家忘记他或她的ID, 该玩家没有资格参加SRC活动.
  6. The captain is the representative of his/her team and may address an official and/or director on matters of interpretation or to obtain essential information if it is done in a courteous manner. Any player may address an official to request a time-out or permission to leave the playing field or court.
  7. A player 必须 play in at least one regular season game in order to be eligible to participate in playoff games.


  1. 一个队最多可由16名队员组成, 但是任何时候最多只能有6名球员在场上
  2. 至少有3名选手必须出席比赛
  3. 换人只能在两局之间进行


  1. 一场比赛分为两个15分钟的半场.
  2. 中场休息5分钟.
  3. 每队每半场有30秒的暂停时间. 时钟会停整整30秒.


  1. 未在指定日期准备比赛(或未出现)的队伍, 日期, time, 比赛地点将被取消. 比赛时间为弃权时间!!
  2. 为了被记入没收“胜利”,” the team receiving the forfeit “win” for the contest 必须 have the minimum number of required players to start a game.
  3. If at game time neither team has the minimum number of participants required to play, 国际篮联体育总监将判双罚.
  4. 任何队伍丧失或总共违约一次 本赛季内的比赛将没有资格参加季后赛. Captains are responsible for entering time preferences and availability information for their team on IMLeagues at the time of registration.


  1. 每场比赛最多使用4个球.
  2. The playing area will consist of the volleyball court lines with the center line splitting each team’s side (Red Lines).
  3. 每一场比赛都会开始冲刺. 在高峰期, 每队站在终点线后面, 直到比赛开始的哨声响起. Both teams will rush to the center court to retrieve their 2 designated balls (to the right side of center court).
  4. Ten feet (10ft) from the centerline is the 10ft line (spiking line in volleyball) which is to act as a barrier for the rush. No person may throw a dodge ball after the rush until they have completely crossed back over the 10ft line.
  5. 在整个半场比赛中,一支球队必须在自己的半场比赛中保持自己的位置. Once the 15 minutes is up, teams will switch sides and then switch sides once again after each game.
  6. 当比赛结束时,比赛就结束了 立即停止,不管当前游戏是否结束. The winner of that match will be determined by how many players are remaining on the court for either side. (例如:如果A队有3名队员,B队有2名队员, A队在半场内被判定为该回合的胜者.)
  7. 如果你被淘汰,你将不能重新进入游戏. 一旦被淘汰,你可以作为球队的捡球犬.
  8. 如果你的队伍中没有人被淘汰 一个球员 可以通过 仅限后端线 在你的半场体育馆取回一个免费的球. 这一位运动员 必须 重新进入终点线,否则将被淘汰. 在你的队伍中有一个人被淘汰之后, 所有在场者不得离开场地去捡球. They may reach over any line but may not step down outside of the court boundaries.
  9. 任何球员不得故意从颈部及以上击打另一名球员. 如果被击中头部的球员有任何躲避球的行为(I.E; ducking, jumping, moving from side to side, etc.那个球员将被排除在外. If the player was standing still and was hit above the neck then the player who threw the ball is out.
  10. Once a ball makes contact with the floor or an object, it is to be considered a dead ball.
  11. 一个球可以击中一名球员以消灭他们, and if the ball continues to bounce off of a second player before touching the floor or an object, 第二名选手也将被淘汰.
  12. If the ball bounces off of one player and falls back into that same player’s hands without hitting the ground the thrower is eliminated. If a player deflects a ball that is then caught by another teammate the thrower is ruled OUT, 但是被球踢偏的球员是安全的.
  13. A game will be won with the team who has won the most amounts of individual games within the 20 minute timeframe.
  14. 在以下情况下,一名球员将被考虑出局:
  • A person, or any article of clothing on a person, is directly hit with a ball from the opposing team
  • A person throws a ball in the air and it is caught by a member of the opposing team.
  • A person steps out of boundaries, or on the boundary line, purposefully or accidentally. (例外:如果球队中没有人被淘汰, 一人可从后端线出站取球). 
  • 在比赛的任何时候,球员都可以越过半场线
  • A player attempts a rush, and throws the ball before clearing behind the 10ft line.
  • A player causes a delay of game by a) holding possession of a ball for more than 10 seconds b) avoiding retrieving balls on their side for more than 10 seconds c) attempt to protest an official’s or director’s call d) any delay of game called by the official or director at their judgment.
  • 一名球员试图接球却把球丢了.
  • A player attempts to block a ball with one already in possession and drops the ball in possession.


  1. 加时赛只能在季后赛中进行.
  2. 在季后赛中,球队将使用与常规赛相同的规则. If two teams have the same number of wins within the 20-minute timeframe, a tiebreaker will occur.
  3. A tiebreaker will be determined by a 3-minute sudden-death game that will occur with 2 players from each team. 每队将选出2名加时队员.
    • 季后赛将采用单淘汰制. All teams of the same league (for example all men’s teams) will be seeded according to their record.

*All rules are subject to change at a moment’s notice and are at the discretion of the 校内的运动 Director. 如参赛者与官员或主任争论, 他们可能会被驱逐出比赛和/或场地空间. 如果发生任何问题,可能会打电话给校园警察.