Frequently Asked Questions

What is EMS and what do they do?

EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. EMS是由紧急医疗技术人员(emt)和接受过心肺复苏术培训的成员组成的组织. 十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS有能力处理校园内外发生的基本紧急情况. EMS can handle strains, sprains, and breaks, head injuries, medical emergencies such as chest pain, seizures, allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing, and mental health emergencies. This is only a small list of what we can do. Should your emergency require advanced treatment, we are able to call additional assistance from the paramedics in our area.

When is Montclair State EMS available?

During the fall and spring semesters, 十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS除节假日(感恩节)外,全天24小时提供服务, winter/spring break). 在夏季学期,十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS提供周一至周五从早上7点.m to 7 p.m., with the occasional overnight. Should Montclair State EMS not be available, 通过与当地互助机构的协议,校园仍然有紧急医疗保险,这些机构将被派遣并应对校园紧急情况.

Does Montclair State EMS carry any medications?

Montclair State EMS carries EMERGENCY medications including, Naloxone (Narcan), glucose, aspirin (for cardiac emergencies), epinephrine (for severe allergic reactions), and oxygen.

We DO NOT carry every day medications for non-emergencies such as Benadryl, Tylenol, Advil, cough drops/medication, Midol, or other over the counter medications. 这些药物可以在大学健康中心或校园C-Store找到.

How do I get a hold of Montclair State EMS in an emergency?

From a campus phone, 你可以拨打x5222或973-655-5222,他们会把你接到校园警察局,他们会派救护车来. If you cannot get to a campus phone, you can call 911 or 973-655-5222 from any phone, 只要确保你告诉了调度员你的位置,记住不要挂断电话,直到调度员让你挂断电话.

I don’t think that I need an ambulance, I’m not having an emergency, but still want to get some medical assistance or advice. Is there anywhere I can go on campus for help?

大学健康中心可为希望接受治疗的学生提供服务. 全民健康覆盖是一个综合性门诊保健设施,提供包括体检在内的多种服务, gynecological care, STD/HIV screening, referrals, diagnosis/treatment of illness and injuries, laboratory services, immunizations, emergency contraceptives, and more.

Please visit the University Health Centers page to see all of the services and how you can make an appointment

Does Montclair State EMS charge for emergency services?

No. 我们不收取作为基本生命支持救护车提供的服务,也不收取前往当地医院的运输费用.

I received a bill after I was transported. Why?

You may receive a bill after being transported due to a few reasons:

  • 如果十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS是不可用的,因为已经在呼叫或退出服务, 我们与邻近城镇签订了互助协议,以便所有紧急情况的求助都能得到回应. These departments may charge for their services. The most common ones on campus are Little Falls EMS and Montclair EMS.
  • 另一种情况是,如果你的紧急程度需要使用护理人员, or an Advanced Life Support (ALS) unit. 护理人员提供较高水平的医疗干预,并对其服务收费.
  • 你可能会收到医院的账单,或者被要求支付医院的治疗费用, depending on your personal insurance.

十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS尽最大努力应对校园内的每一个紧急呼叫, there are times when that is not possible. In all of the above situations, Montclair State EMS has no control over the billing processes of other agencies. If you receive a bill and need assistance, 联系账单部门,他们将能够帮助您或与您的保险提供商合作, if ambulance services are covered.

十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS可以载我去紧急护理中心或医生办公室吗? What about pick me up from the hospital and drive me back to campus?

Unfortunately, no. As an EMS agency we are able to transport to hospitals only. We do not provide transportation back to campus once you have been discharged, 但是医院可能会帮你找到从医院到学校的交通工具.

Which hospitals does Montclair State EMS transport to?

With the exception of a few special cases, 十大博彩推荐排名州立EMS运送到最近的医院,并提供最适当的干预措施. We primarily transport to St. 帕特森的约瑟夫医疗中心和十大博彩推荐排名山边医院的哈肯萨克子午线健康中心. For traumatic injuries, we transport to St. Josephs as they are a trauma center. 精神紧急情况被运送到山边医院,因为他们与我们的大学CAPS部门合作,以确保持续的护理. 你的情况是否需要在到达急诊后转到另一家医院, the hospital will arrange for hospital transfers.

If I am underage or with someone who is underage, 如果我为自己或醉酒的朋友拨打911寻求医疗救助,会有麻烦吗?

在任何情况下,有医疗紧急情况,应立即联系911. Montclair State University has adopted a Medical Amnesty Program 此举旨在消除在可能涉及酒精/毒品的情况下拨打911的障碍.  为自己寻求紧急医疗救助的学生或因饮酒和/或其他药物而寻求医疗救助的学生将不会被指控违反与饮酒和/或其他药物有关的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学行为准则(具体而言:第二节), Letter B.), provided they comply with specific conditions.

Can I become a member of Montclair State EMS?

Absolutely! We are always looking for new members to join our department. You do not have to be EMT certified when you join. We require a minimum of a Healthcare Provider level CPR/AED certification, which we may be able to help you obtain if you intend to join the department. 有关部门会员资格的所有信息,请访问我们的会员页面. Questions can be directed to our officers at or at the EMS office in Student Center Rm. 所有申请必须通过电子邮件提交(我们不接受纸质申请)至 请注意,一旦您的背景调查结果出来,我们将与您联系,并且该部门有空缺. This may take some time, so please be patient.

How do I become a certified EMT?
  • EMT training classes are offered throughout the state of NJ. Learn More and Find a Class Near You.
  • EMT课程大约是200个课时,另外还有一个异步的部分. 我们鼓励学生在暑期选修这门课程,而不是同时选修大学的全部课程.
  • 这门课程通常花费大约1500美元,不包括课程材料和书籍.
  • 新泽西州为符合条件的志愿EMS小组成员提供培训基金支付凭证, 完成课程后,期望至少有一整年的志愿服务. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学EMS考虑在成功完成我们的内部培训计划后,根据具体情况提供付款凭证. 学生们被鼓励在家乡附近找一个志愿者小组来支付课程的费用.
Are your EMTs paid?
  • No, 我们是一家志愿者机构,偶尔会有报道特殊事件的有偿机会.
Do members get free housing?
  • 我们为有资格参加我们竞争激烈的住院EMT计划的会员提供有限的名额. Learn More.