bronze red hawk statue

Health Resources

Alcohol and Other Drug Resources

Montclair State’s Alcohol and Other Drug Program CAPS的AOD治疗服务的基石是探索改变和健康选择或“ECHO”计划.

Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, 彼此的力量和希望,他们可能会解决他们共同的问题,并帮助他人从酗酒中恢复过来. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. 我们的主要目的是保持清醒,并帮助其他酗酒者达到清醒.

NA 是一个非营利性的协会或社会的男人和女人的毒品已经成为一个主要问题. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean. 我们对你用了什么或用了多少不感兴趣,而只关心你想怎么解决你的问题,以及我们能如何帮助你. 麻醉品匿名协会提供了一个康复过程和支持网络,它们密不可分地联系在一起. 戒毒协会成功的关键之一是瘾君子与其他瘾君子一起工作的治疗价值. 成员们分享他们的成功和挑战,在克服积极成瘾和生活无毒的富有成效的生活中,通过应用十二步骤和十二个传统所包含的原则.

Al-Anon (其中包括针对年轻成员的Alateen) 50多年来一直为酗酒者的家人和朋友提供希望和帮助. 据估计,每个酗酒者至少会影响到另外四个人的生活……酗酒确实是一种家庭疾病. No matter what relationship you have with an alcoholic, whether they are still drinking or not, 所有受到别人酗酒影响的人都能在匿名者/阿拉廷联谊会中找到通往宁静的解决方案.

Refuge Recovery 这个项目改编了佛陀的核心教义,作为药物使用障碍的治疗方法.

SMART Recovery 是为寻求自我赋权的人们创造的,也是一种容易获得的康复方法. SMART Recovery的行为改变方法是围绕我们的四点计划建立的:(1)建立和保持改变的动机. (2) Coping with urges to use. (3)有效地管理思想、感情和行为,不产生成瘾行为. (4) Living a balanced, positive, and healthy life.

Body Image and Eating Disorder Resources

The National Eating Disorders website 致力于扩大公众对饮食失调的了解和预防,促进受影响者获得高质量治疗,并通过教育为其家庭提供支持, advocacy and research.

Cold and Flu Resources

Visit the Student Health Center website for more information! Provides one-stop access to U.S. 政府季节性、H1N1(猪)、H5N1(鸟)、H3N2和大流行性流感信息. aims to educate and guide the community.

LGBTQ Resources
Mental Health Resources

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 为你的心理健康提供各种资源,包括预防自杀, depression and anxiety.

Safer Sex and STI Resources

Montclair State Student Health Center (位于布兰顿大厅)在校园内提供保密的性健康服务. You can schedule an appointment for STI testing or treatment, birth control, emergency contraception, PrEP for HIV prevention, as well as other sexual health services by calling 973-655-3459.

Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual’s income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. 我们相信,在我们组织的各个方面,尊重和重视多样性对我们的福祉至关重要. 我们认为,生殖自决必须是自愿的,必须保护个人的隐私权. 我们进一步认为,这种自决将有助于提高生活质量, strong family relationships, and population stability.

Planned Parenthood New Jersey 是否有以社区为基础的非营利组织提供生殖保健, education and advocacy for 75 years.

Advocates for Youth 致力于创建项目和倡导政策,帮助年轻人对他们的生殖健康和性健康做出知情和负责任的决定. Advocates provide information, training, and strategic assistance to youth-serving organizations, policy makers, youth activists, and the media in the United States and the developing world.

Sleep Resources

The National Sleep Foundation的使命是通过睡眠教育和倡导来改善健康和福祉.

Stress Resources

The American Institute of Stress 通过制定教育压力管理方面的卓越标准,改善社区和世界的健康状况, research, clinical care and the workspace. Diverse and inclusive, the American Institute of Stress educates medical practitioners, scientists, health care professionals and the public; conducts research; and provides information, 培训和技术证明了与人类疾病相关的压力.

The American Heart Association‘s mission is to build healthier lives.

WebMD 创建了一个我们相信能在互联网上实现健康信息承诺的组织我们提供可靠的信息, 支持性社区和对你重要的健康主题的深入参考材料. 我们是原始和及时的健康信息的来源,以及来自我们自己的内容提供商的材料.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Tobacco Resources

NJQuitline – 1-866-657-8677. NJ戒烟热线是为准备戒烟的吸烟者提供的免费多语种电话咨询服务. Live counselors are available Monday- Friday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 服务是保密的,并为有需要的个人提供方便.

Tobacco Free NJ – List of NJ Quit Centers

Violence Resources

The National Center for Victims of Crime 是全国领先的犯罪受害者资源和倡导组织吗. Since 1985, we have worked with more than 10,000个基层组织和刑事司法机构为数百万犯罪受害者提供服务.

Shelter Our Sisters 是建立在相信每个人都有权利免于暴力和对暴力的恐惧的基础上的吗. 姐妹庇护所为需要有关家庭暴力的服务和教育的个人和家庭提供服务. 主要帮助处于危机中的卑尔根县妇女及其家属, 姐妹之家为受虐妇女提供临时住所, 同时提供多样化的连续服务,重点是实现安全, empowerment, and self-sufficiency for each client. 这一重点包括减少与家庭暴力有关的问题, such as child abuse, sexual assault, substance abuse, sexism and racism.