

Six Montclair students participating in the national AHA program honored at HSI research symposium

发布: Health, 西班牙计划, 科学技术, 大学

Six Montclair students completed the American Heart Association’s Hispanic Serving Institutions Scholars Program, 包括梅丽莎·斯皮格曼, Jeffrey Yumbla, 肯尼斯·Mosquera-Reinoso, Yaire埃尔南德斯, 莉莎特·内格蕾特和温迪·E. Islas,从左到右. Also pictured is Tyler Sanchez of William Paterson 大学, second from right.

六名十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生, 还有来自全国各地的二十几个人, recently presented their research findings and were honored with medals as part of the American Heart Association’s Hispanic Serving Institutions Scholars Program’s Spring 研究 Symposium at 大学 Hall’s Conference Center.

学生们听取了许多演讲者的演讲, including Montclair’s Provost and Senior Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs Junius Gonzales, 谁是主讲人. He shared his circuitous route from “a vermin-infested tenement” in Hartford, Conn.从医学院到现在的高等教育.

“我非常幸运. 我已经跃进了一些巨大的未知领域,”他在主题演讲中说. “学者, never forget who you are and where you came from because it sets the stage for who you will become.他敦促学生们“大胆尝试,抓住机会,承担风险。.”

Once a practicing medical doctor and now Montclair’s Provost and Senior Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs, 朱尼厄斯·冈萨雷斯是主讲人. 他敦促学生们“大胆尝试,抓住机会,承担风险。.”

心脏病专家博士. 卡洛斯-罗德里格斯, a physician researcher at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, 鼓励学生继续追求医学事业的梦想, 医疗保健等.

“我们在医学和科学领域并没有得到很好的代表, and these young Latino students need to know that because I did it and others have done it, 这是可能的,他说. “这是一条漫长而艰难的道路,但这是可能的. And the AHA was a big part of it, especially when I started my cardiology career.”

数十名学生, 包括艾尔·埃尔南德斯, 右下角, presented posters as part of the American Heart Association’s Hispanic Serving Institutions Scholars Program’s Spring 研究 Symposium.

The AHA HSI学者计划 是第二年吗. 由Secaucus-based Quest Diagnostics®资助, the program works with 18 Hispanic-serving colleges and universities in Los Angeles, 波多黎各, Miami, 休斯顿, 芝加哥, 纽约和现在的新泽西来增加在医疗保健方面的代表性. Montclair had the most student scholars at the symposium with six: Yaire埃尔南德斯, 莉莎·内格蕾特和梅丽莎·斯皮格曼, 所有的青少年, 肯尼斯·Mosquera-Reinoso大四学生, 二年级学生Wendy E. Islas和Jeffrey Yumbla.

米琪卡多纳·, AHA’s portfolio advisor for Collegiate Diversity Partnerships – Hispanic-Serving Institutions, said the scholars were paired with their mentors at the beginning of the academic year with the goal of developing the posters presented at the symposium in April. “It’s given some students the opportunity to further develop their research experience and those that don’t have that experience to obtain it,”她说。. “十大博彩推荐排名大学的学生专业尤其多样化, 这就是他们的研究所代表的.”

Students presented their poster boards to attendees and answered questions:

  • 埃尔南德斯, a Public Health major who was mentored by Public Health Professor Stephanie Silvera, presented on “Exploring Food Choices of Childcare Workers in Northern New Jersey: Perceptions of Shopping at a ‘high-end’ Grocery Store.”
  • Islas, 由生物学教授Carlos Molina指导的分子生物学专业, presented “Investigating the Link Between Elevating levels of the ICER protein and its Effects on Ovulation.”
  • 纳格力特, a Public Health major under the mentorship of Public Health Associate Professor Mireya Vilar-Compte, 关于“大流行后对沙卢德文塔尼亚斯的适应”的报告, Culturally Sensitive and Binational Health Outreach Model for Mexicans in the U.S.”
  • Mosquera-Reinoso, a Biochemistry major under the mentorship of Chemistry and Biochemistry Associate Professor Jaclyn Catalano, investigated “The role of specific acidic residue (M305) of Mammalian Cytochrome P450.” He also submitted his poster to the American Chemical Society and was invited to present at its annual conference in Indiana.
  • Spigelman, 分子生物学专业,也是莫利纳的导师, “是ICER吗?”, 抗肿瘤蛋白具有抗肿瘤功能的蛋白质, 矛盾地引发难治性肿瘤?”
  • Yumbla, 她主修生物化学,也是卡塔拉诺的导师, presented “A Comparison of the Effects of Substrate Activity on Cytochrome P450 Enzymes.”
Biochemistry major Jeffrey Yumbla, center, presents his research findings.

许多学生在继续学习的同时还会继续他们的研究. 除了研究机会, the AHA HSI scholars attended the American Heart Association’s national conference in 芝加哥, where they received professional mentoring and participated in leadership skills workshops and cultural competency training. 此外,该项目还为每位学生提供7000美元的奖学金.

这个项目使学生们团结起来, each of whom was presented with an AHA HSI bronze medal inscribed with their names, 在颁奖典礼上.

“我敢肯定,几年后, we’re going to have many doctors and scientists and people in public health,莫斯克拉-雷诺索说. “我很可能会见到他们, so it’s really nice to know that I know them and that we went through this together.”


卡蒂亚·帕兹·戈德法布, 负责西班牙裔倡议和国际项目的副教务长, 向耶尔·埃尔南德斯颁发勋章, 作为美国心脏协会的博士. 爱德华多·桑切斯报道。.
A band with bongos, brass and string instruments performs in front of a large audience at a luncheon
The audience at the American Heart Association’s Hispanic Serving Institutions Scholars Program’s Spring 研究 Symposium were treated to a performance by the John J. 卡利音乐学院的加勒比黑人合奏团.
People seated at round tables eating lunch listen to a speaker during a symposium.
数十名学生, faculty and American Heart Association representatives were on hand for the AHA’s Spring 研究 Symposium.
梅丽莎·斯皮格曼(Melissa Spigelman)对学者项目表示感谢, noting “The greatest gift the American Heart Association gave me was the confidence to be a voice for my community.”
Biology Professor Carlos Molina, who served as mentor to Melissa Spigelman and Wendy E. Islas for their research projects involving zebrafish, addresses the audience.
肯尼斯·Mosquera-Reinoso’s research involved studying a cytochrome that metabolizes drugs, 比如抗生素, 以及其他进入人体的化合物.
公共卫生专业的学生Lizet 纳格力特讨论了她的研究.
Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, 美国心脏协会负责预防的首席医疗官, left, and Montclair’s Associate Provost for 西班牙计划 and International Program 卡蒂亚·帕兹·戈德法布, right, 温蒂·E. 岛上有一个大奖章.

特约撰稿人报道 西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯. 照片 John J. LaRosa and 布伦特Szklaruk-Salazar.
