The lights in a row outside of the School of Nursing.

Undergraduate Student Request for Withdrawal or Leave of Absence

强烈建议任何希望从学校退学或请假的本科生在提交申请之前与他们的学术顾问会面. To find out the name of your academic advisor, log on to 巢.

所有从大学退学或请假的请求都必须在巢中在线完成. Once submitted, 您的申请将由您所在学院或学校的学术咨询/学生成功团队的成员进行审查.

Notification to an instructor, academic advisor, 或其他大学工作人员不构成退学或退出课程, or the University.

It is the student’s responsibility to drop, or withdraw from, 他们的课程的有效期限,其中请假或退学的要求; courses will be dropped administratively if a student fails to do so on their own. 学生必须遵守本学期的最后期限和退款政策.

Important! Before submitting your request for a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal, 请查看本学期的截止日期和退款政策 Red Hawk Central website.

If you are a Graduate student, please contact The Graduate School.

1. The request will be found through your 巢 Portal.

2.  Login to your Portal.

3. Navigate to the Personal Information page and select “Manage Record.”

5. Click on UG Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request.

At this time, 重要的是,在提交你的休假或退学申请之前, 你可以在红鹰中心网站上查看本学期的截止日期和退款政策.

6. 本页将有请假/退学政策和影响清单.

7. In order to proceed with your online LOA/WD request, 您必须单击含义字段旁边语句的每个复选框.

8. 请继续点击每条声明,以确认您已阅读并理解您的请求的所有可能含义,然后点击“Continue”.

9. If you leave any of the checkboxes blank, 您将无法继续处理请求,并将显示以下警告信息. Scroll down to check the boxes and then continue.

10. At this time, you will need to choose which request you wish to submit.

Leave of Absence  申请休学并打算下学期重新入学(休学时间不超过一学期).
Withdrawal Request  请求停止在大学的注册,不打算重新注册, or with the intent to re-enroll after a two or more consecutive semester break

Leave of Absence Request

1. If requesting a Leave of Absence, click on the radio button and then “Continue to select your LOA/WD Options”.

2. 申请休假时,您将面临以下选择:

申请在本学期“结束”时请假,并已入班.  这意味着,你计划在本学期结束时只休息一个学期. You will complete the classes you are enrolled in for the current(包括夏季学期和冬季学期)。.

Ex. If you select this option and it is for the end of Spring 2021 term, your Leave of Absence will be processed for Summer/Fall 2021 term. 


**It is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from, 他们的课程的有效期限,其中请假或退学的要求. 学生必须遵守本学期的截止日期和退款政策**.

请注意,在学期最后的课程退出截止日期之后,此选项将无法在网上提供,因为您将无法从任何当前课程中退出, and you are responsible for completing them. 如果在撤销日期之前提交,您的请求将在该学期内得到充分处理. 

Ex. 如果您在2021年春季学期的最后一天之前选择了此选项,则可以退出学期, 你将在本学期(春季)和2021年夏季学期休假, and you are expected to return Fall 2021. 

Request to take a Leave of Absence and enrolled in any classes.   此选项适用于当前学期没有注册/注册任何课程,并且计划在当前学期休假的情况.

Ex. 如果您在2021年春季选择此选项,您将在2021年春季和2021年夏季学期休假, and you are expected to return Fall 2021.

3. Once you have selected one of the Leave of Absence options displayed, please select a “primary reason” for your Leave of Absence request. Please note this is a required field.

4. You may also provide additional reason(s) if they apply. Proceed with the rest of the online request.

5. Once you have finalized your request, click Submit.

6. 此请求将提交给您的学院/学院院长办公室进行审查和处理. 一旦该操作应用于您的记录,您将收到大学的通知.

7. Confirmation of Request Submitted.

Withdrawal Request

1. If requesting a Withdrawal, click on the radio button and then “Continue to select your LOA/WD Options”.

请注意,退学请求是指停止在大学的注册,不打算重新入学, or with the intent to re-enroll after a two or more consecutive semester break. 从大学退学的学生必须通过本科招生办公室申请重新入学. 重新进入大学和/或进入你目前的专业并不是自动的.

2. When requesting a Withdrawal, you will be presented with the following options:


Request to Withdraw at “END” of the Current semester. Enrolled in Classes.  This means, 你打算休息两个或两个以上的学期,或者不打算回到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 您将完成本学期注册的课程,并且将被行政取消您可能注册的任何未来课程(包括夏季和冬季学期)。.
Request to Withdraw for the “CURRENT” semester. Enrolled in Classes.

**It is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from, 他们的课程的有效期限,其中请假或退学的要求.


请注意,在本学期的最后课程退出截止日期之后,此选项将无法在网上提供,因为您将无法从任何本学期的课程中退出. You are responsible for completing them. If the request is submitted prior to the last date to withdraw for the term, your request will be processed for the term.
Request to Withdraw. enrolled in any classes. 此选项适用于当前学期没有注册或注册任何课程,并且计划从当前学期开始从十大博彩推荐排名州立大学退学的情况.


3. Once you have selected one of the Withdrawal options displayed, please select a “primary reason” for your withdrawal request. Please note this is a required field.


4. You may also provide additional reason(s) if they apply. Proceed with the rest of the online request.

5. Once you have finalized your request, click Submit.

6. 此请求将提交给您的学院/学院院长办公室进行审查和处理. 一旦该操作应用于您的记录,您将收到大学的通知

7. Confirmation of Request Submitted.

8. 您还将收到一封电子邮件,发送到您的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的电子邮件帐户.