A student sitting down in a lounge chair working on her laptop in a colorful room.

Transfer Credit

Transferring Credit to Montclair State University

General Information

学生可以将当地认可的学院或大学的学分转到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, provided the coursework meets the minimum required standards for transfer credit. 学生也可以从高中完成的大学课程或某些考试中转学分. 学生在十大博彩推荐排名入学之前从外国机构获得的学分将在收到官方通知后进行评估 NACES-accredited organization course-by-course evaluation.

目前在十大博彩推荐排名注册的学生可以通过完成在另一个机构的课程来从另一个地区认可的机构转移大学学分. 参加海外学习或国家学生交换项目的学生也需要在其他机构学习. 强烈建议在其他学校完成课程作业之前完成其他学校的课程作业,以确保课程被接受.

转学学分不会根据非官方成绩单或高中成绩单授予. 任何在官方成绩单上被列为正在进行或不完整的课程将不会被张贴到学生的十大博彩推荐排名记录中. Montclair does not accept transfer credit from non-regionally accredited institutions.

For more information, please refer to the Transfer Student Policy and/or Undergraduate Admissions.

Sending Official Transcripts

Please Note: 十大博彩推荐排名接受官方成绩单通过美国邮件和电子方式直接从你的学校. We will not accept electronic transcripts emailed by the student, nor transcripts uploaded by students to their application portal to award transfer credit.

  • For credit earned prior to enrolling at Montclair, the official transcript may be sent either electronically to transfermsu@dilidally.net or via mail to:
    • Montclair State University
      Office of Undergraduate Admissions
      1 Normal Ave
      Montclair, NJ 07043
  • For credit earned after enrolling at Montclair, the official transcript may be sent either electronically to transfercredit@dilidally.net or via mail to:
    • Montclair State University
      Office of the Registrar
      1 Normal Ave
      Montclair, NJ 07043, NJ 07043
  • For credit earned through Montclair’s Study Abroad or National Student Exchange programs, 正式成绩单可以通过电子方式发送到国际学术活动办公室 studyabroad@dilidally.net, or via mail to:
    • Montclair State University
      International Academic Initiatives: Jessica Epstein, Cole Hall, Room 319
      1 Normal Ave
      Montclair, NJ 07043, NJ 07043
Transfer Credit Limits

从社区学院或两年制课程转学的学生可以从所有社区学院或两年制课程转学最多60个学分. 然而,从四年制大学转学的学分数量没有限制, 学生必须在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成至少30个学分才能获得学士学位.

Minimum Transfer Credit Requirements

Montclair accepts credits only from regionally accredited institutions, provided the courses are college-level (100 level or above), with a grade of C- or better. Credit will not be awarded for remedial coursework. D grades are only accepted in two scenarios:

  • The D grade is earned as part of an AA/AS/AFA degree


  • 在两学期的课程中,第一学期的成绩是D,第二学期的成绩是C或更高. Spanish 101 grade D; Spanish 102 grade C-)

Montclair accepts credits from AP, CLEP and NY Language Proficiency Exams, provided the student meets the minimum score requirement for each exam. Minimum scores are outlined for each of these exams below.

AP, CLEP and NYU Proficiency Exam Credit

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

Students must submit verified score reports from the College Board in order for credit to be reviewed. In general, Montclair accepts AP credits when a student has earned a score of three or higher, but certain exams require a higher score in order for credit to be awarded. Please review the AP Exam Equivalency Chart to see the minimum score requirements for each AP Exam. 在高中期间获得AP学分的新生必须提交入学押金以公布该学分.

CLEP Credit

学生必须向十大博彩推荐排名提交官方考试成绩,才能从CLEP考试中获得学分. However, if the CLEP credits contributed to the completion of an AA, AS, or AFA degree from a community college, official test scores are not required. Please review the minimum requirements for each exam on the CLEP Exam Equivalency Chart.

NYU Language Proficiency Exam

以外语为母语或外语流利的学生可以参加纽约大学语言能力考试来获得学分. In order to be awarded credit, students must earn a minimum required score of six. Students may take the 12-point or 16-point exam. The official score reports must be submitted to Rashida Batte-Bowden, Associate Registrar, at batter@dilidally.net, and Adele Basile, Assistant Registrar, at basilea@dilidally.net for credit to be posted. Scores will not be accepted when sent directly by the student. Students will receive a notification when the scores have been posted.

Credit Evaluations

Please review our Transfer FAQs for commonly asked questions.

Transfer Students

转学生必须提交正式的大学成绩单,并被大学录取以接受转学分评估. 在修课程或未达到最低转学分要求的课程不接受学分评估. Final, 所有以前就读过的学院/大学的正式成绩单都需要提交给即将入学的转学生.

转学分评估在转学生被录取后10个工作日内完成, 前提是学生提交了以前学校的正式大学成绩单。. 请注意:秋季转学生的转学分评估将在春季开始发布,因为必须首先完成即将到来的学年的课程更新,以确保最准确的评估.

Credits Earned in High School

在高中获得学分的学生必须提交入学保证金和正式的大学成绩单,以便对学分进行评估并发布到他们的记录中. 不会根据高中成绩单或非正式大学成绩单授予学分. 官方或认证的成绩报告需要在高中时通过考试获得学分, such as Advanced Placement (AP).

Credit Evaluation Appeals

Students have the right to appeal decisions regarding the acceptance of their transfer credits.

Coursework at Another Institution

General Information

目前十大博彩推荐排名的学生可以通过完成在另一个机构的课程来从外部学院转学分. 强烈建议在选修课程之前完成“另一所学校的课程工作”. 只有当注册办公室收到完全批准的“其他机构课程”表格和列出“其他机构课程”表格中批准的课程的正式成绩单时,才会公布学分. For more information, refer to the Coursework at Another Institution Policy.

学生必须通过联系学院内的学生成功中心在另一个机构开始课程,该中心将帮助他们获得所有所需的批准. The contacts for each College/School are listed below:

College of the Arts Student Success Center

College of the Arts Student Success Center

Email Address by Academic Department

Art & Design – Andre White (whitean@dilidally.net)

Cali Sch of Music – Gina Balestracci (balestraccig@dilidally.net)

Theatre and Dance – Eric Diamond (diamonde@dilidally.net)

School of Comm and Media – Bianca Perez-Cancino (perezcancinb@dilidally.net)

College of the Arts General Advisor – Kyle Courter (courterk@dilidally.net)

School of Nursing

School of Nursing

Email: Elizabeth Zweighaft (zweighafte@dilidally.net)


Email: Marina Kamenetskiy (kamenetskiym@dilidally.net)

College for Education & Engaged Learning Student Success Center
College for Community Health Student Success Center
College of Science & Mathematics Student Success Center
University College Student Success Center
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Student Success Center
Feliciano School of Business McColgan Student Success Center
Study Abroad/National Student Exchange

Study Abroad/National Student Exchange

Email: studyabroad@dilidally.net

*通过出国留学或国家学生交换项目获得学分的学生必须联系国际学术活动办公室(studyabroad@dilidally.net) to initiate the Coursework at Another Institution process.

Sending Official Transcripts

学生有责任将正式成绩单和完成的课程从其他机构发送到注册办公室. 正式成绩单可以通过电子方式直接从转学机构发送到 transfercredit@dilidally.net, or via mail to:

  • Montclair State University
    Office of the Registrar
    1 Normal Ave
    Montclair, NJ 07043, NJ 07043

Study Abroad and National Student Exchange: 参加任何一个项目的学生都应该要求将他们的正式成绩单发送到国际学术活动办公室 studyabroad@dilidally.net, or via mail to:

  • Montclair State University
    International Academic Initiatives: Jessica Epstein, Cole Hall, Room 319
    1 Normal Ave
    Montclair, NJ 07043, NJ 07043