A student sitting outside of the School of Nursing and Graduate School reading a book on a sunny day under a table umbrella.

1098 - t信息

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is required to furnish a 1098-T to all students who made a 付款 toward a 符合条件的学费及相关费用 在本纳税年度. The 1098-T form is provided to help students and parents determine eligibility for an American Opportunity Tax Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit.

1098-T在每年1月31日或之前提供. The data reported on the 1098-T is based on the tax year (January – December), not the academic year. 在2018纳税年度之前, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 1098-Ts included a figure in Box 2 that represented the amounts 宣传 符合资格的学费及相关费用(QTRE). 由于联邦法律对机构报告要求的改变, 从2018纳税年度开始, 各教育机构须在方框1中填报 付款收到了 (包括奖学金), 贷款 and other third-party 付款s) during the calendar year rather than amounts 宣传. 第2栏所列帐单金额已不再适用.


IRS第970号出版物, 教育税收优惠, IRS表格8863, 教育学分, 1098T使用说明, 互动税务助理员(ITA), 教育学分 所有这些都提供了申请这些税收抵免的详细信息. If you have further questions regarding the education tax credits, please consult a professional 税务顾问 以确定您是否有资格获得任何与教育相关的税收优惠. 大学不能提供个人税务建议.

1098 - t交付

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学与 腹地ECSI 向你提供1098-T报税表. 1098-T税表将于1月31日或之前派发. Students will be notified via their 十大博彩推荐排名州立 email address when the 1098-T form is available for download. The notification from ECSI with have detailed instructions on how to access the statement online.

请注意: All 1098-T’s are printed and disseminated by 腹地ECSI Student Tax Information (1098-T).

例如,2023年冬季的费用将被张贴到您的 如果您在2022年11月的税务申报中有 付款 将在2022年12月31日前存入您的巢账户. 然而,如果 付款 是在2023年1月1日或之后发布的,它会包括在你的2023表格中吗.


  • Online delivery provides access to the form 1098-T earlier than the traditional mailing process.
  • 在线交付消除了1098-T丢失的可能性, 邮寄过程中被误导或延误,或学生收到后被放错地方.
  • 注册在线交付既简单又安全.
  • Students can receive their 1098-T form while traveling or away from their home address.


We’ve provided step-by-step instructions for retrieving your 1098-T without an account. 无需创建帐户即可检索您的1098-T


  • 通过同意这个条款 学生经济责任协议, 您已同意以电子方式收到1098-T表格.
  • 如果你不同意学生经济责任协议, 你可以以电子方式证明你已收到1098-T表格.
  • 点击 ECSI电子同意申请.
  • 按照web表单上的分步说明进行操作.
  • 选中该框并单击submit.

1098 - t FAQ

您在1098-T表上报告的金额可以帮助您完成 IRS表格8863 – the form used for calculating the education tax credits that a taxpayer may claim as part of your tax return. 你可以找到申请教育税收抵免的详细信息 IRS第970号出版物.
从2018纳税年度表格开始,您的1098-T表格将报告 符合条件的学费及相关费用 按日历/课税年度在栏1内缴付. 您的1098-T表格会根据您申请的日期来报告所支付的金额 付款 在你的账户上,无论日期或期限如何 负责 发布.
例如,2023年冬季的费用将被张贴到您的 在2022年11月20日,您的2022年税表将包括 付款 将在2022年12月31日前存入您的巢账户. 然而,如果 付款 是在2023年1月1日或之后发布的,它会包括在你的2023表格中吗.
如果您认为表单上报告的金额有错误, 请通过查看您的巢对账单以及您的银行记录来验证. 也请参阅 IRS第970号出版物 以确保有关付款符合QTRE费用. 在审查了美国国税局970号出版物之后, 如果你觉得有错误, 请与学生会计处联络,电话 redhawkcentral@dilidally.net.
谁会收到1098-T表格? 我需要提供SSN或ITIN号码吗?
U级学生.S. citizens OR permanent residents and whose enrollment credits are leading to a post-secondary degree are eligible to receive a completed 1098-T form from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 每个州, 联邦和国税局的指导方针, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 will request that all students provide their Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for reporting purposes. Having an accurate SSN or ITIN on tax forms supports the tax deduction that a student or family may claim for qualified educational expenses on both federal and state income tax returns. Failure to provide 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 with an SSN may result in being fined by the IRS in accordance with Revenue 法典第6723条. 提交SSN/ITIN更正的最后一天是 3月1日星期五.
  • 学费
  • 一般费用
  • 技术费
  • 项目费用
  • 实验室的费用
  • 网上课程收费
  • 住房
  • 餐厅
  • 书店购买
  • 滞纳金
  • 学生健康保险
  • 医疗评估费用
  • 电话服务费
报告的付款金额包括个人付款, 贷款, and scholarships/grants received during the calendar year for QTRE less any refunds issued due to over-付款s on the account. 框1中报告的付款总额不能超过适用的QTRE金额.
  1. 通知十大博彩推荐排名州立大学注册办公室.
    • To correct your SSN on your tax form with the 大学, you must complete the Request for 更改姓名及/或学生证号码 并提交给十大博彩推荐排名州立大学注册办公室. 提交SSN/ITIN更正的最后一天是 3月1日星期五.
  2. 通知ECSI. 你也必须通知ECSI 填写W-9S表格. Please include your School Code (WT) and School name on the top of the form to help expedite your request. 请注意,如果没有W-9S表格,你的社会安全号码是无法更改的.
    • 填妥表格后,你可透过以下方法将表格递交给本处:
      • 将表格传真至:866-291-5384
      • 将表格邮寄至:

I am a student who received emergency financial aid funding for unexpected expenses, 未满足的财政需要, and or expenses related to the disruption of campus operations on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. 这项补助金是否包括在我的总收入内?

No, 本紧急法案规定的紧急财政援助补助金用于意外开支, 未满足的财政需要, or expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic are qualified disaster relief 付款s under 国内税收法第139条. 最新的faq, indicate that higher education institutions must report total Qualified 学费 and Related Expenses (QTRE), 由高等教育基金资助基金支付, 表格1098-T第1栏. Higher education institutions do not need to separately identify the portion of QTRE paid with HEERF grants anywhere else on Form 1098-T, 他们不需要在1098-T表格第5栏中报告拨款本身. This is the case regardless of whether the higher education institution paid the emergency financial aid grants to a student, 然后是谁用拨款来支付QTRE, 或直接向昆士兰教育学院申请助学金.

I received an emergency financial aid grant and used some of it to pay for course materials that are now required for online learning because my college or university campus is closed. 我可以申请扣除这些材料的学杂费吗, or treat the cost of these materials as a qualifying education expense for purposes of claiming 美国机会信贷 或者终身学习学分?

No. 因为紧急经济援助补助金不包括在你的总收入中, you cannot claim any deduction or credit for expenses paid with the grant including the tuition and fees deduction, 美国机会信贷, 或者终身学习学分. 看到 《十大博彩推荐排名》第139(h)条.

紧急财政援助补助金用于应付意外开支, 未满足的财政需要, or expenses related to the disruption of campus operations on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, 是否有资格作为救灾款项下 国内税收法第139条. 此补助金不包括在第5栏中.

  • Eligible educational institutions are required by the IRS to prepare Form 1098-T for 大多数 上一年度已缴纳“合格教育费用”的学生. 符合国税局规定, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is not required to provide Form 1098-T to a student in the following instances:
  • Students whose 符合条件的学费及相关费用 posting in the reporting year were entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships posting in the reporting year (noting that 付款s for the Spring semester frequently post in the 以前的 ,并因此反映在上一年度的1098-T表中)。
  • 没有提供或获得学分的课程, 即使学生以其他方式参加了学位课程
  • Students whose 符合条件的学费及相关费用 posting in the reporting year were entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships or grant postings in the reporting year (noting that 付款s for the Spring semester frequently post in the 以前的 reporting year)
  • If you fall under one of these exceptions, you will not receive a Form 1098-T from the 大学.
  • 有关美国教育税收抵免的更多信息,请访问: 1098 t常见问题解答.

请注意, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 cannot determine if you are eligible for educational tax credits, 也不能确定你可能有资格获得的信用额度. 请咨询您的 税务专业 寻求帮助. IRS第970号出版物, 教育税收优惠, IRS表格8863, 教育学分, 1098T使用说明, 互动税务助理员(ITA), Q & A .紧急补助金, 教育学分  所有这些都提供了申请这些税收抵免的详细信息.


  • 致电腹地ECSI 1-866-428-1098与您的1098-T税务文件的问题. 客户辩护律师周一至周五上午7:30有空.m. – 8 p.m. 东部时间.
  • 即时聊天 与哈特兰ECSI客户服务倡导者! 周一至周五,早上7:30.m. – 8 p.m.或者周六早上8点半.m. – 5 p.m..
  • 有关常见问题和有用资源,请 访问十大博彩推荐排名州立1098T网页.