Opening and Closing Procedures

Opening Procedures

Primary Move-in Dates for Fall 2024
  • New Student Move-In Dates: Monday, August 26 – Wednesday, August 28
  • Returning Student Move-In Dates: Thursday, August 29 – Friday, August 30

Check in will occur between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on the dates listed above.

You will be assigned a specific date and time to move in. 我们预计会发送入住信息,包括您具体的入住日期 & time, by Monday, August 5.

Please start thinking about what to bring and what not to bring as you prepare for move in.

Student Leaders & Athletes

由于学生领导培训或参加体育活动,需要在指定的入住日之前到达校园的学生将提前到达. 这将由住宿生活办公室和你正在工作的小组与你协调和沟通.

Move-in Date and Time

You will be assigned a specific date and time to move in. 我们预计会发送入住信息,包括您具体的入住日期 & time, by Monday, August 5.

  • For New Students从周一开始,我们将根据每个迎新项目制定一个时间表, August 26, to Wednesday, August 28, and each student will have an assigned move-in date & timeframe. 请注意,为了收到入住的时间,你应该有 signed up for Orientation. 学生将被允许在迎新前一天入住.
  • For Returning Students: 我们正在根据周四开始的每栋楼制定时间表, August 29, to Friday, August 30, and each student will have an assigned move-in date & timeframe.
The Hawk Pass

In addition to your check-in confirmation email, 所有学生将通过他们的十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件地址收到“鹰通行证”. 霍克通行证让大学工作人员知道学生已经完成了以下要点,并被批准入住. 霍克通行证将在开学前一周通过十大博彩推荐排名的电子邮件帐户发送给学生. Here is what you need to have to obtain your Hawk Pass:

  1. Your Emergency Contact Information has been submitted in NEST.
  2. 您的住房协议必须在住宅管理系统(RMS)中填写。.
  3. Your immunization records are submitted.

如果学生没有完成以上任何一个要点, they will not be permitted to check-in to their space. 霍克通行证将在开学前一周通过十大博彩推荐排名的电子邮件帐户发送给学生. 对于在指定截止日期后完成上述任何一项的学生,我们将持续发送Hawk pass,直到入住. 作为一个良好的实践,学生应该在8月的第二周之前完成上述任务.

Additional Move-In Day Information

On your move-in date and time, 大学警察将驻扎在大学的所有入口点,为您的建筑提供方向,并检查您的入住确认电子邮件和Hawk通行证.

For planning purposes, if you are checking into:

  • Freeman Hall or Russ Hall: 从Normal Ave进入校园,转到College Ave.
  • Bohn Hall, Blanton Hall or Stone Hall: 从Normal Ave进入校园,转到Carlisle Rd.
  • Dinallo Heights or Machuga Heights: Enter the campus from Valley Road to Yogi Berra Drive.
  • Sinatra Hall: Enter The Village at Little Falls on Clove Road.
  • Hawk Crossings: Enter the Hawk Crossings complex on Clove Road.
  • The Village: Enter The Village complex on Clove Road.

一旦您到达您的大楼,您将有资格卸载您的车辆。. 你们有大约10分钟的时间卸货. You must stay with your vehicle at all times. 在进入你的宿舍之前,必须有人把你的车完全卸下来,然后搬到指定的停车场.

学生可以在大厅里有客人协助他们入住. 我们确实要求学生限制他们在大厅协助的客人数量,以减少整个建筑物的人流量和电梯拥堵.


Closing Procedures

Check-out Dates and Deadlines

All residents must check out of their rooms 24 hours after your last final! All residence halls will close for the spring semester Tuesday, May 6, 11 a.m..

  • 在此截止日期前不会有任何豁免,因此提前开始计划以满足退房截止日期至关重要.
  • 未能在截止日期前退房将被罚款100美元.00不正当的支票费用被应用到你的学生账户.
  • 批准的夏季和老年周居民将在5月初收到进一步的退房时间指示.
Check-out Reminders
  • 如果你没有车和/或需要有人帮助你搬出去, 尽快通知您的车和/或帮助退房的截止日期! Check-out is not on a weekend, 因此,你的车和/或帮助可能需要提前通知,以调整计划,以帮助你.
  • Plan accordingly! If you have a lot of belongings, 制定一个计划,以按时完成搬家! 在退房期间,移动垃圾箱将受到极大限制. It is important that you plan accordingly.
  • Start packing belongings you don’t use anymore early! Do not wait until the last minute to start packing.
  • 移除所有的装饰品,命令产品,贴纸/贴花,白板,镜子等. from walls and surfaces. 居民放置的物品不得完好无损地留在任何表面!
    • In the Heights Only: Do NOT remove any 3M command strips. Facilities staff will remove them.
  • 从房间、浴室、公共区域等拿走所有个人物品. 房间必须保持和你搬进来时一样的状态. 所有垃圾和不需要的东西都必须在垃圾室处理掉.
    • In the Heights Only: 垃圾箱将被放置在山庄外面等待关闭. 我们鼓励所有学生把大件物品扔进垃圾箱.
  • 房间、公共区域和浴室必须扫地和拖地.
  • Close and lock all windows.
  • Pull all blinds down.
  • HVAC机组转到AC,自动,70-72度(如适用).
  • Leave all desk and dresser drawers open. 这将帮助你确保你没有忘记清空抽屉.
  • 如果你租了一个微型冰箱,把冰箱里的食物/饮料清空. 在预定的取货时间内,将设备拔下插头并清洗干净.
  • Turn off all lights.
  • 离开时关闭并锁好房间、套房和/或公寓的门.
  • Check your mailbox prior to leaving to retrieve mail. You can forward your mail by through USPS. 所有未在搬离前取件和搬离后交付的邮件将退还给发件人. Amazon Lockers will no longer be accessible.
  • 所有住客必须填写一个快速退房信封,在前台/办公室正式签字退房. 归还在快速退房信封中分配给您的所有钥匙.
  • 未填写快递结帐信封可能会导致不适当的结帐费用.
  • 钥匙必须在退房截止日期前装在快速退房信封内归还. Keys will not be accepted late or by any other method. 未能正确和/或按时归还钥匙将导致更换钥匙的费用.