The Storting building, the Norwegian parliament in Oslo with flag.


AIESEC相关 (from the 法国 acronym for the International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management) is an international student-run organization which offers approximately 5,000 paid internships each year in 业务 and other fields in over 80 countries. 网站有链接到世界各地的章节. 请注意 AIESEC相关 internships is possible only through campus chapters.

AIPT /爱因斯特的文化风景
信息和应用程序可从 AIPT /爱因斯特的文化风景小帕塔克森街10400号., 250套房, 哥伦比亚, MD 21044-3510; 410-997-2200, 传真410-992-3924, 或纽约总部, 公园大道南440号, 二楼, 纽约, NY 10016; 212-497-3500, 传真212-497-3535 Nonprofit organization provides paid internships in over 80 countries in engineering and science (apply by late Dec.), and in tourism and hospitality management. They can also assist in obtaining work permits for career-related practical training in most fields for both students and college graduates.

International internships, teaching and volunteer programs in Europe and Asia.

网站列出了学习和工作计划. Nonprofit organization offers paid internships in Scandinavia in engineering, 作为外语教授英语, 业务, 农田. 12月下旬前申请实习. 收费50美元. ASF also assists with obtaining work permits for Scandinavia.

收费的, 提供教育, internship and volunteer opportunities available in a wide range of fields in most countries, 许多公司提供食宿.

Offers 3 -18 month 业务 internship positions.  Must have completed two years of college and have a working knowledge of the 法国 language.

Offers one month to one year internship positions in public and private sectors in 法国.  Candidates must be enrolled in an American college or have finished less than two years ago.  Also offers six to nine-month teaching assistantships teaching English in 法国 in primary schools.  Candidates must be between 20 and 34 years old.

环球视野国际 is the parent company of GVI and The Academy for 实习 Abroad.  Guided by a commitment to responsible travel, 参与项目, education and cultural exchange 环球视野国际 designs, implements and manages over 200 programs worldwide. Through our own sales offices in North America, 英国和澳大利亚, 同时拥有广泛的合作伙伴网络, 我们输入3,000 participants annually to more than 40 countries worldwide. 在过去的十年里, 环球视野国际 has successfully placed over 10,000人参加海外项目. From our roots as a quality volunteer abroad provider, we have developed into an organization respected for its international training courses, professional internships and corporate social responsibly programs.

212-924-0446,传真212-924-0575, InterExchange.  收费的, provides an array of opportunities all over Europe.  A work permit is not required for all placements.  Positions include au pair and paid internships.

International Cooperative Education Program (ICE)
免费资料: International Cooperative Education Program (ICE), 15 Spiros Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025; 650-323-4944,传真650-323-1104; Organization offers paid summer internships for students with knowledge of foreign languages (German, 法国, 意大利, 中国人, 日语)在欧洲和亚洲. U.S. 或加拿大公民优先. 2月前申请. 费用$950.

International Exchange for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
919-832-1575International Exchange for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). 收费的, 提供6周到6个月的服务, unpaid 业务 internships for undergraduates and graduate students. Practical training opportunities are geared toward those interested in engineering, the natural sciences and other related areas.

国际实习 LLC provides overseas internship placements in 10 countries around the globe for American and international students including Argentina, 澳大利亚, 巴西, 中国, 法国, 德国, 爱尔兰, 伦敦和新西兰.

一个非宗教, 提供救济的志愿组织, protection and resettlement services for refugees and victims of oppression/violent conflict. Employment opportunities are listed for all over the world in all job areas.

A professional career development and leadership program focused on providing students with practical work experience and global skills training in major economic centers overseas: London, 巴黎, 巴塞罗那, 马德里, 东京和哥斯达黎加. 展望充满挑战的就业市场, international work experience can give participants an edge.

LEAPNow:终身教育选择 & 项目
小册子可从 LEAPNow:终身教育选择 & 项目 或从 LEAPNow. P.O. 塞瓦斯托波尔1817号信箱,CA 95473; 707-829-1142,传真707-829-1132; LEAPNow 提供低成本实习机会, 志愿活动, work exchanges and experiential academic programs in 129 countries and the U.S. 超过20,000 options and 20 years experience custom tailoring programs for people of all ages and backgrounds. 所有课程均可获得学分.

Places Americans in internships within Britain in exchange for British student placement with a company in America. Must be 21 years old, a college graduate and U.S. 符合资格的公民.   所有职位的承诺期为12个月.

Information on volunteer, internship and short-term opportunities.

U.S. 国务院
Positions available for undergraduate and graduate students in American foreign affairs overseas and in Washington D.C.  大多数都是无偿的.  夏季、秋季和春季的截止日期.  Particular interest in foreign policy, diplomacy is recommended.  Opportunities are varied within 170 different countries.


Offers graduate students unpaid positions within the U.S.  必须在开学前六个月申请吗.

Summer group leader positions for college graduates interested in the areas of public service, governance and democracy in over 20 countries.  Also, have opportunities available for consultants.