
Group of student and their advisor from different cultures and countries smile together in a selfie in the streets of Brooklyn, NY

住在校园里是充分利用十大博彩推荐排名的最好方式! 因为十大博彩推荐排名离纽约很近, off-campus housing that is within commuting distance and affordable is very hard to find. 而去纽约有可靠的公共交通, there are almost no transit options from off-campus apartment complexes to the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 campus.

出于这些原因, unless given a waiver by the Office of 国际学术活动 due to special circumstances, 所有交换生都应住在校园里. International exchange/visiting and NSE students will be given priority placement in our Global Village, which is in one of our best residence halls and very close to the train to NYC.  学生还可以使用我们的全球随身物品计划, 这是2023-2024年的新举措.



The Global Village at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 will be in Alice Paul Hall for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. 我们将启动全球随身物品计划, a movement to enrich the lives of students that are joining MSU on exchange or have recently returned from a study abroad program at another institution. The Global Belongings program will include access to a dormitory supply collection for items such as linens, 电器, 还有他们公寓的家居用品 as well as access to programming for students in this community. Programming opportunities will include events in the residence hall to celebrate cultural heritage, 游戏之夜, and excursions into New York City for complimentary cultural and historical trips.

There is an African Proverb that says that “it takes a village” and we hope that by joining us in our global community, you will be able to make meaningful connections with your peers and feel supported as you navigate your experience at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.


学生们可以找到更多关于申请流程的信息, 这里的住房押金和房间选择.

Students will receive more details in their 十大博彩推荐排名州立 email after they have a “NetID” and pay the housing deposit. Students are responsible for reading the entire housing guide and contractual policies and can contact the 居住生活 office if they have any questions.

Students living on campus will be required to move out of campus housing by 11AM on the day after the official semester ends. The J-1 visa allows a 30 day grace period after the last scheduled day of the exam period. 国际学生必须在这30天内离开美国.


The Office of 国际学术活动 recognizes that the transition to another institution, 更不用说另一个国家了, 学生很难适应吗. 在远离家乡之间, 体验文化冲击, 而且经常面临语言障碍, we recognize that the first few initial weeks at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 might be difficult for you. With that in mind, our team has now launched the inaugural year of the Global Belongings program. 

Global Belongings is a movement to enrich the lives of students that are joining MSU on exchange or have recently returned from a study abroad program at another institution. 

The Global Belongings program will include access to a dormitory supply collection for items such as linens, 电器, 还有他们公寓的家居用品. Other items include Squishmallows, beddings, and even a limited quantity of furniture. These items are complimentary items donated by the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 community and are available for a free checkout during the duration of their time at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. This is intended to aid students as we understand that studying and living in a new place can be financially burdensome at times.  There is no cost or rental fee associated with accessing the items in our dormitory supply collection. These items are supplemental and will not fully subsidize the needs of a student as they are donation based and include a limited supply. Students will still be responsible to purchase basic items such as cleaning supplies, 菜, 毛巾, 等. 学生应该和室友沟通,分摊物品的费用. 

除了环球物品宿舍用品, the Global Belongings initiative is also a movement intended to unify our students within the community. 这包括登记入住和布鲁克·克林格的办公时间, 入境学生和校园参与项目助理. There will also be social events for students garnered to celebrate the diversity of the community, 去认识他们的同龄人, 并与未来想要出国留学的学生联系. 校园之外的生活, the Global Belongings initiative will have excursions into New York City for complimentary cultural and historical trips.


The Office of 国际学术活动 is pleased to offer exchange and visiting students three free excursions per semester to destinations such as Ellis Island, 布鲁克林大桥, 华尔街, 格林威治村, 时代广场, 中央公园, 和哈莱姆. 

We will use the convenient direct train to Penn Station in midtown Manhattan, which gets students from campus to many NYC neighborhoods in less than one hour.

Our valued inbound exchange and visiting students will have their train tickets paid for and will benefit from tours by highly trained and academically qualified tour guides. Not only will you leave these experiences with a better understanding of the area’s cultural framework, but you will also have the opportunity to make once in a lifetime memories with your classmates and the team at the Office of 国际学术活动.

Group of students from different cultures and countries standing with their advisor on 华尔街 who explains the history of the area

